Chattanooga Benefit Auction

Compass Auctions at Work in Chattanooga Here’s a look at the type of atmosphere an auctioneer can provide to an event. This happened in Chattanooga, TN; Auctioneer Steve Holt and ringman Ben Gunter entertain the crowd while helping a Chattanooga fundraising...

Auctioneers of a Different Sort

Kid Auctioneers Perform in Spokane   Watch the Kid and Baby Auctioneers in Action from Spokane, Washington! There was stiff competition, but all of the kids did great! Natural-born bid-callers, for sure! Who wouldn’t buy from them?   The NAA Convention...

Benefit Auction from the Past

Benefit Auction Does your company have an annual or biannual charity event? Consider a benefit auction – a sure way to engage your audience. Here’s a video from a previous event – a benefit auction that Compass Auctions performed last year. Enjoy...
NAA Convention, Over and Out

NAA Convention, Over and Out

NAA Convention Musings Team Compass has returned from the NAA Convention in Spokane, Washington to Chattanooga, TN, and we feel rejuvenated and ready to go! We’ve done some learning, taken a few tests, and plotted a course to better serve our customers. A BIG...

State Champion, Steven Holt

State Champion Bidcaller Here’s a bit about our State Champion Auctioneer, Steven W. Holt. Team Compass prizes our leader and his abilities on and off the podium. Steve works hard at both the business and entertainment aspects of the auction business, and...