As Compass’ next IT & Municipal Surplus Auction quickly approaches, there is no time like the present to discuss the impact of e-waste on our environment.
What is E-waste?
Even though electronic waste (or “e-waste”) makes up just 2% of the trash in our country’s landfills, about 70% of all toxic waste comes from electronics. E-waste is currently one of the fastest-growing types of waste produced by Americans each year.
In just a year, Americans throw away over 4 billion pounds of electronics. Just a little more than a tenth of that e-waste eventually gets recycled.
Keep reading to learn more about how you can help the environment by recycling and selling your used electronics.
Most electronics are good to buy and sell for as long as they can function. Once a device becomes burned out, recycling is always a better idea than throwing a device in the trash.
Always check your area for places to recycle e-waste before disposing of old electronics. Big retail chains that sell electronics usually offer some kind of e-waste tow-away or recycling service.
In Compass’ hometown of Chattanooga, Best Buy and Office Depot are local e-waste recyclers listed by the Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation.
If your device still works, there’s still hope! Even if you don’t need your device anymore, most electrical equipment can work for years without fizzling out.
When it comes to IT equipment like servers and routers, many products have a recommended lifespan of 3 to 5 years. Other electronics can last for a decade, and computer monitors can survive for up to two decades of use.
Even if your device is getting older or has an expired warranty, there are ways to prevent your electronics from ending up as e-waste.
You can help ensure that your used device lives up to its full potential by selling it. Selling used devices can benefit your household or business while getting more usage out of a device before it burns out.
Consigning your used electronics with Compass is a great way to get rid of unused electronics while our professional staff take care of marketing and auctioning your items.
Compass’ August IT & Municipal Surplus Auction begins to close on August 23 at 10 am ET. Be sure to check our catalog to stay up-to-date on our latest listings.
For more information, email Info@SoldOnCompass.com or call 800-729-6466.